- The Weekender
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- Apple review-a-thon
Apple review-a-thon
Our reviewers tackle iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Pro, AirPods 4 and Apple Watch Series 10.
iPhone 16. iPhone 16 Pro. AirPods 4. Apple Watch Series 10. Even a variety of iPhone 16 cases.
Cult of Mac writers got their hands on all sorts of new Apple gear this week and wrote up reviews that explain what makes the products great (and what Cupertino can improve).
You can find them all in our reviews section or get links to individual reviews below.
Also in this edition of The Weekender:
We’ve got loads of how-tos on the new features in iOS 18, including one of my favorites: all the new texting tricks in the updated Messages app.
Like some other iPhone 16 Pro owners, I’ve been experiencing some weird touchscreen problems. Have you?
I’m honestly amazed at the deep discounts you can get on Apple’s official iPhone 16 cases. These come with a “sapphire crystal coupled to a conductive layer to communicate finger movements to the Camera Control,” the company says.
And finally, the biggest seller this week from Cult of Mac Deals is a new iPad/MacBook stand that moves a little like an iMac G4 — and comes with a USB-C hub built into its aluminum arm.
Enjoy your weekend!
— Lewis Wallace, managing editor
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